Being present and on time is a basic premise to success and the demonstration of responsible citizenship in the school environment.
Upon return from an absence, the student and teacher need to connect within two days to form a plan for making up any missed
learning and/or assessments. For planned absences, prior arrangements should be made with the instructor for work, assignments,
or tests to be missed while absent. Classroom instruction is important and, as a result, missing class will have a detrimental effect on
the achievement of students. If attendance concerns arise, you will be contacted by your student’s school via letter or phone call to
address a plan to support improved attendance.
School and district attendance rates are monitored by College Community Schools and the Iowa Department of Education. We
appreciate your ongoing cooperation to ensure a strong attendance pattern for your student. If your student’s absences reach a point
of concern, you may be asked to provide documentation from a medical provider to verify the reason for any subsequent absences
related to illness or some other type of documentation for absences not related to illness. A student’s privileges (included but not
limited to participation in athletics, fine arts, and open campus) may be restricted if attendance is a concern. Regular attendance is
required to receive credit for courses.
Reporting Absences
It is important that a student display regular and punctual attendance in order to be successful in school and beyond. Because of
this, the school has strong expectations for your attendance and timeliness. If you know your student is going to be absent or miss
any part of the school day, please contact our attendance clerk at 319-848-5511 ext. 2303 or email at
● If a student is absent from school, it is necessary that the parent/guardian call the school office and provide the specific
reason for the student’s absence before 8:30 a.m. the following school day. ● Parent/guardians will receive notification up to 3 times per day when their student is marked absent and the reason for the
absence has not been communicated by the parent/guardian.
● Attendance records for absences beyond 48 hours from the absence will not be adjusted unless documentation is provided
that clearly indicates the reason for the absence.
● Students who wish to participate in school-sponsored activities must attend school at least the second half of the school day
of the activity, unless the absence is school related or the student has been given prior approval to be absent by the Truancy
Officer, Principal, or principal designee.
Reasons for Absence and Iowa Law
According to Iowa Law, students are “chronically absent” when they are absent from 10% to up to 20% of the days of school or hours
of school within a grading period. Students are “truant” when they are absent for 20% or more of the days or hours within the
grading period.
The following reasons for absence are exempt from this calculation, per Iowa Law:
● The student has met graduation requirements.
● The student’s absence from school is directed by a court or judge.
● The student is receiving religious instruction.
● The student’s IEP or 504 plan affects their attendance requirements.
● The student has a legitimate medical reason for missing school.
The following reasons for absence are not a part of this calculation because the absence from class is due to school-directed
● The student is a participant in an extracurricular event or school-sponsored field trip.
● The student is serving an in-school suspension.
● The student is attending a college visit sponsored by the school or as a part of the student’s four-year plan.
● The student is at school but not attending class for a legitimate reason.
Principals and their designees retain the authority to determine the appropriate code for all absences in a manner that is in
alignment with district policy and Iowa Law.
Specific information regarding the steps that will be taken by school personnel are explained further in the board policies linked
501.03 Compulsory Attendance
501.09 Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy
501.09R1 Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy, Regulation